Members are expected to abide by a few simple rules...
- Always be respectful to other players
- Do not kick players from your game without a VERY good reason.
- Don't be a bad winner/loser
- Where possible it is your duty to recruit new members by referring them to this site or to our message
first season episode, #15 Kirk faces court Martial

Our Mission
This is simply to have fun without making a bad name for ourselves or the clan and to basically be
a good guy who does whats right (think medievil knight).
We are quite layed back but members who consistantly break these rules will face a court martial
which will involve:
A private meeting of the Lords to decide whether you have will be court martialed
If the court martial goes a head the charges against you being written out on our message boards.
You get a chance to respond with a post defending yourself.
Then A poll will be set up with an open clan vote whether to kick you out of the clan.